

A state of art dashboard for every employee presents the most critical information pertaining to his role. It presents a 360 degree view of the current and upcoming works and the various key metrics relevant to the user. Employees with different roles get different dashboards with information relevant to them. The dashboard outlines

All the outstanding and upcoming tasks

Key numbers for various things relevant to the user

Attendance and leaves

Team statistics and branch performance statistics

If there is any critical incident he need attend immediately. Senior management gets overview of critical incidents being handled by various officers at different locations.


A security organization may have a single or multiple branches. Set up branches easily with the help of our account setup module. Key features are:

Point of contact for a branch

Provide the organization with branch wise figures and analytics

Helps organizations to keep track which branch is performing more efficiently and which ones needs improvement



With Zalyon powerful Role and Rights module, you can create unlimited multiple roles and assign specific permission to those roles. This helps in fine tuned operation management. Salient features are:

Create unlimited back office roles

Assign fine tuned permission to those roles

Ensure employees have access to only those data they are authorized to

Candidate pool

Add potential candidates contact details to the manpower pool. Resources can be on-boarded to the company from the manpower pool as per requirement. A candidate pool ensures there is a ready list of manpower available on-demand. Add candidate to the system; track their status if training is completed, if app is installed, if uniform is issued to the candidate. Track if document has been submitted or not. Manage list of available candidates vs hired candidates.


Digital document store

No more paper scans and storing photocopy of identity documents. Upload identity documents, take photographs and store everything digitally. No more losing details or searching them in office and no fear of losing them. All documents are instantly available to anyone who needs them, even if they are in a physically different location.

Store all identification documents digitally, and access them on demand digitally

24x7 availability

Powerful search to retrieve relevant documents in seconds

Secure permissions ensures a user cannot access a document he is not supposed to


Create training sessions for officers. Training can be created based on location of branch or it can be branch independent. Add all the intended participants to the training session. System will automatically send out SMS notification to them regarding the training they have to attend.

Automatically notify enrolled officers in case of changes in the training session

Mark attendance for the training so the system automatically knows that a officer has attended a compliance training

Detailed records of the past training are available for record checking



The employee module helps the organization to manage all the aspects for the employee. Employee job history, contact details, id details, performance and appraisal are all available instantly. A powerful search enables the organization to get a particular employee details in seconds. Staffs and officers can be assigned to a different team or branch with a click.

The employee module also helps to keep the management informed by adding notes against officers. Add recommendation, appreciation, and supervisor feedback, complaints for an officer by supervisor or Customer. This provides transparency to the company at highest level.

View, modify employee assigned roles and permissions

Track status if app installed or not/documents submitted or not/ training complete or not

Add notes against employees

Add appreciations or disciplinary report against officers

Leave Management

Managing leaves and replacements in a manpower intensive company can be a challenging task. The complexity of managing availability grows as the size of the company increases. This is where the leave manager helps the backoffice staffs to manage the leaves and replacement seamlessly to honor the standard SLA provided by the company. Staff can apply for leave from app. No need to record it on paper. See employee leave applied, plan alternate manpower accordingly.

See currently on leave, upcoming leaves calendar and plan resources accordingly

Assign a replacement based on availability and the replaced officer is notified automatically of his newly assigned shift



A powerful marketing modules ensures all the marketing activities are effective and all leads are followed up diligently. All marketing efforts and campaigns are logged and effectiveness of the marketing campaign can be analyzed.

Manage all leads

Capture all follow up conversation

Add all records of discussions

Loop in select peoples can also comment on the inquiry


Manage customers with the powerful in-built CRM, and have all their details accessible anywhere. Add their contact details, capture e-mail correspondences.

Keep track of all emails and support ticket requests from customer

See what resources are assigned to the customer

Keep track of all customer complaints and feedbacks pro actively

Manage multiple properties for customers by easily grouping them


Site survey and Mapping

Before signing a contract with a client, proper survey of the site to be guarded has to be undertaken. This best practice you can advise the client on the optimum number of officers needed to secure the property properly. Zalyon lets you follow the best practices by enabling you to

Add survey report, photos

Images for the property

Upload positions or post to be manned



Guard Scheduling


Rolling and master schedule capability


Shift publishing and acknowledgement options


Red Amber Green (RAG) indicators for security guard availability


Customizable templates for automating recurrent shifts


Hard and soft security guard requirements by site or guard


Integrated rules, matching processes, and audit capabilities


Shift bidding (SMS and shift board)


Asset & Inventory tracking

Track what asset was issue to what officer, and how much is there in the inventory

Detailed reporting system and business intelligence:

See detailed metrics on staff strength, performance, customer acquisition, payments, revenue growth

Branch-by-branch and contract-by-contract details

Reports made available to managers and operations staff

Incident types that are customizable for industry-specific reporting

Data can heat maps, pie charts, line charts, bar charts, and area charts for easier interpretation

Manage billing for customers

Billing is one of the biggest challenges for a manpower industry. Zalyon allows you to manage all billing for customers from inside the back office itself. It automatically generates the billing based on your agreed price with client i.e. individual rate for individual personnel vs fixed monthly rate for the whole package for a customer. Send invoice via email, update payment status. Track open and closed invoices.

Automatically generate invoices for clients at the end of the month

Close invoices once payment is made

Send out automated reminders after fixed number of days for open invoices

Customize invoice logo and other details

Easily manage billing for multiple sites or a single site for a customer

Define each client’s payment terms using Payment Terms


Job vacancies

Getting manpower on demand with changing client requirements can be a challenging job. Zalyon bought out an innovative feature in which we have a job seeker bank to which requirements can be posted real time. Post job vacancies with salary and location details, The details are job posted to our SecurityJobs app where anyone can register and apply for security jobs. Candidates then apply to the jobs and can be then moved to the candidate pool.

Post jobs instantly from the Zalyon cloud

Job requirement available to large number of candidate pool instantly

Get interested notifications instantly from candidates with their details

Automatic import candidate details into the candidate pool of your account

Get all the details pre-filled including their photo


Zalyon provides a support center for your organization on the Zalyon cloud out of the box. Your support center helps you to track all your customer and staff queries, complains, feedback with high degree of effectiveness and minimal effort, which leads to better honoring of your SLA with your client and more satisfaction for your staffs. With the help of the support center.

Mail new announcements to single or multiple clients

Provide instructions to officers and Guards in multiple languages

Allow customer to create support tickets

See all support issues reported by client

Monitor ticket resolution efficiency

Create knowledge base for officers and staffs

Create list of best practices for officers and staffs


Utility tools

A number of powerful utility tools in the back office suite of the Zalyon cloud helps you to perform your tasks faster and with more precision. Zalyon provides you powerful utility tools like:

Smart todo list

Minimum monthly wage list

Leave calendar

Readily available state security guard acts

Digital badge generation tool

Event calendar

Company wide notification tool