Attendance Tracking

Guards/ops team login and log out in the location at a given time

Principal employer gets notifications in the concerned app

How do you track attendance now? Phone calls? Imagine if you had to track the attendance of 7000+ guards. How many man hours are spent on tracking attendance every day. With our revolutionary platform, guard will do the attendance check-in themselves from their app. The app will record the current location and match it with the current location where they are deployed and will automatically update the attendance.

Keep your customer happy! You customer is now able to see all the attendance logs generated automatically from the Security staff phone on his personal dashboard.
Attendance tracking using Geo fencing/NFC/Bar code tagging


Location Tracking

Track current location of the guard/ops team

Check if patrolling has been done or not

Is you Guard on the premise or he is not. You will be always able to see where your Guard is at any time. You will be able to see if he is on the premise or not.

The supervisor is also able to see the security guard has been doing the patrolling or not, from the guards location records.

Alertness Monitoring

Interesting items will pop up on phone to input something at random hours, specially night shifts

CRM admin can set challenge throw hours

Challenge set can be set

An unique feature of the app is the ability to check if a security guard is active or sleeping on duty. The current system is to do random checks of CCTV footage or pay random visits to various sites. Here the onus lies on the supervisor to prove if a guard was sleeping on the duty or not. Guard Intel changes the rule of the game, and puts the onus on the guard to prove that they are alert on duty and are not sleeping.

The guard Intel app, from time to time shows up a text challenge on the phone screen which the personnel have to key in and complete. On completing a heartbeat notification is sent to the back end system that the guard is alert. This ensures that the person is not alert and if the challenge is not completed then a notification is sent to the server that the guard is not responding and status on the dashboard turns red and the guard shows up in the list of non-responsive guards. From the back end the challenge can be configured like during which time period should the challenge be shown to guard, and if challenge need to be enabled for certain guard on the app.


Wolf Pack

Create wolf pack from admin

Wolf pack, alarm notification

Alarm button for wolf pack

Wolf pack is a group of Security guards deployed in a same property. Wolf pack is created from the web based back office. Personnel’s in the wolf pack are able to see each other’s location and hence co-ordinate a proper guarding on a large property. The Guard Intel app is equipped with an emergency notification button, if any personnel press the button, the other peoples in the wolf pack are alerted along with the supervisor.


Patrol tracking by way of reporting to NFC points during patrol.

Android, iOs, smartphone and tablet compatible

Site dedicated emergency contacts, post and escalation order

Real-time acknowledgement of escalation order

Support Barcodes, QR codes, NFC and GPS checkpoints

Generate detailed and accurate patrol data

Real-time GPS tracking during entire shift

Automated guard tour summary with GPS tracks

Real-time late, incomplete or completed tour notifications


Daily Activity Report (DAR)

Guards can file normal daily activity report as to what was their duty time, any incident observed, number of peoples came in etc. DAR is reviewed and approved by Supervisor every day to ensure smooth operations.

Incident Reporting

Guard can report incident and action taken from app

Principal client can see the incident log in the web portal

Security Agencies/company can see the incident

The system provides a comprehensive dashboard where the back end managers can see any live incident filed at any time. Security guards file an incident from the app by creating an incident report and, an incident with status open is displayed on the back end. The back end manager can work on resolving the incident and the incident can be closed by the guard o the back end manager. Client can see all the incidents from the client portal and can also see what was done to resolve it.


Visitor Log

Operations staff can also see the visitor log for the properties. This is extremely useful in case of any incidents where the visitor log needs to be accessed. Staffs can see:

Visitor details, visitor time-in/time-out

Filter visitors by date/time

Get list of visitors who are in the premise at any moment.

Filter visitor by name/phone number to get the visit history


Dispatch Module

Zalyon platform enables the security organization to dispatch support staff in case of emergency requirements and track progress in real time.


Analysis Module

With the help of visitor log, vehicle log, incident reports, videos and pictures, maintainance requests, DAR we can do a detailed analysis.


Cash Movement Tracking

Create cash management group

Get notification from employee app in real time ,where they are

Get notification when vehicle reaches destination

Employee can update operation is complete in app when everything is done

Option to integrate with

Are you still tracking cash movements over the phone? GuardIntel bring you the next generation cash Managment tracking, where you get progress real time. Admin can create a cash management event from back office and assign vehicle/time/destination/personnel from the admin. Everyone for that event get notified and gets the details of the event. Progress status is updated from app in real time/like cash loading on the van complete/ trip started/ location reached. Supervisor will be getting real time movement notification on the dashboard. Supervisor gets notified when location is reached and staffs can updated cash loading complete and the event completed from the app. Staffs can also file report from the app if any incident occurred.

Supervisor Reporting


Post Order Updates

Send Notification to Officers

Smooth flow of information between officers, supervisors and Control centers is essential for operational effectiveness Zalyon provides a number of way or uninterrupted flow of communication between multiple entities of the organization.

Post notifications to entire group of officers under command or to select group of officers for a property

Get real time notifications from officers


Detailed Reporting System and Business Intelligence

See detailed metrics on staff strength, performance, customer acquisition, payments, revenue growth.

Reports can be adhoc or pre-configured

Data seamlessly collected in custom reports

Branch-by-branch and contract-by-contract details

Reports made available to managers and operations staff

Incident types that are customizable for industry-specific reporting

Data displayed visually: heat maps, pie charts, line charts, bar charts, and area charts